Health Information System (HIS)
Dr. Ahmed M. Al- Haddad
It is a mechanism of the collection, processing,
analysis and transmission of up-to-date, reliable
and relevant information required for planning,
management and evaluation health services also for
health training and research.
Objective of the health information system
To: provide a complete of reliable, relevant,
Up-to-date, adequate, timely and reasonably
information for health managers at all levels of
public health in the country and also for
research and training purposes.
Types of information system
1) Data
2) Information
3) Intelligence
Distinction between “data”, “information” and “intelligence”
There are differences between data, information
and intelligence.
1) Data
Data consist of discrete observations of events that
carry little meaning when considered alone.
Data as collected from operating health care
system or institution are inadequate for planning.
Data need to be transformed into “Information”.
2) Information
Information is a summarizing data, reducing
them, and adjusting them for such as the age and sex composition of the population, so that
comparisons over time and place are possible.
3) Intelligence
Intelligence is the transformation of
information through integration, and processing
with experience and perceptions based on
social and political values.
- Data that are not transformed into information and information that is not transformed into intelligence to guide decision-maker, policy maker, planners, administrators, health care personnel themselves, researcher and trainer are of:- little value”.
- Data need reducing and summarizing to become information but information’s need more eliciting, integrating with different factors in the community, processing, and justification to become the end output of these processing or “Data Intelligence”.